mine and miningMine and mining
Badger board and fund discontinued; mining economic development program created [Sec. 84, 198, 203, 265, 379, 704, 832, 843, 2237-2251, 2685, 4352; A.Sub.Amdt.1: funding from project reserve funds, grant to the city of Ladysmith, 9110 (3g), 9143 (2n)] -  AB100
Badger board and fund discontinued; mining economic development program created [Sec. 84, 198, 203, 265, 379, 704, 832, 843, 2237-2251, 2685, 4352] -  SB77
Environmental law enforcement revisions re time limit on mining and water pollution violations and point source general permit withdrawal by DNR -  AB447
Groundwater standards for mining activities and mining waste facilities: exemption and separate provision eliminated  - AB123
Metallic mineral mining proceedings: AG to appear for the state -  SR3
Metallic mineral mining: revisions re permit application informtion and denial provisions, local mining agreements and engaging a general contractor or subcontractor; records of exploratory drilling required -  SB342
Metallic minerals mining laws: revisions re site and facilities inspection, proof of financial responsibility and application requirements; DNR duties specified  - AB586
Metallic mining council abolished [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 67q, 3636m, p, 3730m, p] -  AB100
Metallic mining permit: additional application information required; grounds for denial revised  - AB835
Metallic mining permit issued on basis of and use of proven technology to prevent pollution [Sec. 3729, 3730; original bill only] -  AB100
Metallic mining permit issued on basis of and use of proven technology to prevent pollution - AB236
Metallic mining permit issued on basis of and use of proven technology to prevent pollution [Sec. 3729, 3730]  - SB77
Mining on state land under DNR jurisdiction prohibited, forfeiture and damage provisions; NRB prohibited from selling land for mining -  AB834
Mining, prospecting and mining waste: DNR prohibited from granting rule exceptions -  AB822
Mining, prospecting and mining waste: DNR prohibited from granting rule exceptions -  SB512
Mining tax indexation: technical change re 1997 WisAct 27 [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 279bv, 9442 (3c)]  - AB768
Mining tax indexation: technical change re 1997 WisAct 27 -  AB606
Mining tax indexation: technical change re 1997 WisAct 27 -  AB650
Nonmetallic mining council abolished [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub. Amdt.1: Sec. 68t] -  AB100
Nonmetallic mining: laws revised; provisions re permit, reclamation and zoning [Sec. 3731-3784; S.Amdt.1 to Engr. AB-100: mining and spills cleanup revisions, 349g, 898m] - AB100
Nonmetallic mining: laws revised; provisions re permit, reclamation and zoning [Sec. 3731-3784]  - SB77
Pipeline transporting mine discharge: construction within highway right-of-way prohibited, exception provided  - AB643
Prospecting and mining fees revised re metallic minerals -  AB488
Special order of business for SB-3 -  AR14
Sulfide mining wastewater discharge into Wisconsin river prohibited -  AB22
Sulfide mining wastewater discharge into Wisconsin river prohibited -  SB435
Sulfide ore mining: permit requirements revised; moratorium provision -  AB70
Sulfide ore mining: permit requirements revised; moratorium provision -  SB3
minimum markupMinimum markup, see Trade practice
minkMink, see Fur farm
minnesota_wisconsin boundary area commissionMinnesota-Wisconsin boundary area commission, see Interstate relations
minnesota_wisconsin student reciprocityMinnesota-Wisconsin student reciprocity, see Reciprocity
minority business development boardMinority business development board
Minority business development program revised [for section numbers and further revisions, see ``Minority enterprise"] - AB100
Minority business development program revised [Sec. 4533-4542, 4544-4547] -  SB77
minority enterpriseMinority enterprise
Afrikan American association for international trade and commerce: grant authorized [original bill only]  - AB152
Bank holding company: Comm.Dept authorized to make loan from Wisconsin development fund, conditions specified, sunset and report provisions -  SB340
Comm.Dept revisions: women's business initiative corporation grants, minority nonprofit corporation grant and minority business incubator grant programs eliminated; fees for certain services permitted; rules re volume cap repealed [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Commerce, Department of"] -  AB100
Comm.Dept revisions: women's business initiative corporation grants, minority nonprofit corporation grant and minority business incubator grant programs eliminated; fees for certain services permitted; rules re volume cap repealed [for section numbers, see entry under ``Commerce, Department of"]  - SB77
Disadvantaged business demonstration and training program: sunset extended [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 490-490m, 491-491w, 2471g, m] -  AB100
Minority business development program revised [Sec. 4533-4542, 4544-4547; A.Sub.Amdt.1: grants to private financial institutions, 199n, 4532p, r, 4534m, 4543p, 4546c, f, 4547m; S.Amdt.1 to Engr.AB-100: grants for education and training project, promotion of economic development and employment opportunities, 4532b-m, 4533c-e, 4546e]  - AB100
Minority business development program revised [Sec. 4533-4542, 4544-4547] -  SB77
Minority business or group member interest free loans for economic development, employment, tourism, international trade and cultural exchange opportunities; sunset provided [A.Sub.Amdt.1] -  AB152
MMSD minority business development and training program administration transferred to Comm.Dept [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 731m, 2219e-k, 3286m, 3572m, 9156 (3g); deleted by A.Amdt.8] -  AB100
minority groupsMinority groups, see also Indians
African-American cultural heritage month declared the month of February -  AJR103
African-American cultural heritage week declared week of February 24, 1997 -  AJR28
African-American veterans of World War II commended -  AJR38
Buffalo soldier day designated February 20, 1998 -  AJR98
Cemetery and religiously significant property: maximum imprisonment for criminal damage to increased  - AB805
English declared state's official language; use mandated for all government written expression; use of additional languages permitted in certain cases; preservation of heritages encouraged - AB16
Food stamps to qualified aliens: DWD to submit plan to U.S. Secretary of agriculture -  SB419
Food stamps to qualified aliens: DWD to submit plan to U.S. Secretary of agriculture [A.Amdt.1: nutrition outreach re W-2 and community agencies] -  AP8 AB6
Food stamps to qualified aliens: DWD to submit plan to U.S. Secretary of agriculture -  AP8 SB6
Laotian and Montagnard (Hmong-Lao) soldiers who fought with the U.S. in the Vietnam War: granting citizenship urged (memorial to Congress) -  AJR57
Milwaukee public museum grant re African American history; matching funds required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 265r, 2709r] - AB100
Minority business or group member interest free loans for economic development, employment, tourism, international trade and cultural exchange opportunities; sunset provided [A.Sub.Amdt.1] -  AB152
Minority precollege scholarship funding [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9239 (1t)] -  AB768
Minority teacher loan program: funding increased [A.Sub. Amdt.1: Sec. 9223 (4c)] -  AB768
Wisconsin African-Americans: achievements recognized re sesquicentennial celebration -  AJR95
mmsd _milwaukee metropolitan sewerage district_MMSD (Milwaukee metropolitan sewerage district), see Milwaukee — Sewerage
mobile homeMobile home
Burglary of dwelling, motor or trailer home: maximum prison term revised -  AB644
Burglary of dwelling, motor or trailer home: maximum prison term revised -  SB309
Mobile and manufactured homes, parks and manufacturers: definitions and regulations revised; Comm.Dept duties modified - AB519
Mobile home dealers and salespersons: certain PR appropriation repealed [Sec. 688, 689] -  AB100
Mobile home dealers and salespersons: certain PR appropriation repealed [Sec. 688, 689] -  SB77
Mobile home park water or sewer service: regulatory authority transferred from DATCP to PSC -  AB368
Mobile home park water or sewer service: regulatory authority transferred from DATCP to PSC [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, PSC FTE position and assessment provisions; A.Amdt.1: study required] -  SB147
Mobile home registration and titling revisions; single annual fee in certain cases [Sec. 3965, 4002, 4003, 4031, 4032; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, deletes 3965, 4031, 4032] - AB100
Mobile home registration and titling revisions; single annual fee in certain cases [Sec. 3965, 4002, 4003, 4031, 4032]  - SB77
Mobile home sales tax exemption modified re rental for continuous period (remedial legislation) - AB963
Mobile homes: property tax exemption revised -  AB130
Motor vehicle revisions re registration, titling, proof of financial responsibility, VIN, trailers, semitrailers, oversize mobile homes and station wagons (remedial legislation)  - AB882
Security interests in mobile homes and certain other vehicles: DOT records retention period revised [S.Amdt.1 to Engr.AB-100: Sec. 4058gm, gq] -  AB100
Three-vehicle combinations: maximum overall length increased -  AB18
mogilka, davidMogilka, David
Life and public service - AJR61
monona terrace convention centerMonona Terrace convention center, see Madison, City of
monroe countyMonroe county